The Peaches of Immortality Scarf

€186,00 EUR

Not yet the enlightened being he will one day come to be, the mischievous Monkey  King  feasts  on  the  magic  fruit  in  the  Immortal  Peach  Orchard.  These peaches, which only ripen once every 3,000 years and grant longer life and great powers to anyone who eats them, fill the center of the design. While  he  feasts,  seven  fairies  discover  him  and  rush  away  to  report  his  naughty deed to the Empress. This exquisite yet playfully charming scarf takes you into the great classic novel Journey to the West, which also inspired Shen Yun’s How the Monkey King Came to Be.


  • 100% silk twill, 14mm, hand roll
  • 36" x 36"

Made in Italy

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